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My name is Matthew Braley I am from a town in Maine called Bethel. My local mountain is Sunday River. I compete on a national level through the USASA devision. I have been to nationals about six times in my last eight years of competing. I had missed a year due to injury and I skipped a year when I initially started to compete. 

I go to a college in Nevada called Sierra Nevada College. I am planning on trying out for the schools team next fall. Getting on the team will allow me to travel to more events and to get more into racing. 


I am looking to further my snowboarding career. I want to start competing in USSA events. I need some sponsors if I am going to continue with being competitive, snowboard racing gets very expensive.


My local USASA devision is the Maine Mountain series. In the series I race Giant Slalom, Slalom, and boardercross. I have had mean podium finishes most of them first places. I have gone to nationals six times and each year I do better than top 25 in all of my races. My best finished national result is 6th in slalom, I have also gotten a few 10th places. 

I take all of my snowboarding very seriously and I really want to continue with my sport. I have lived, ate, and breathed snowboarding for the past eight years. I am really passionate about it and would love to continue. 

Thank You,

Matthew Braley


I am number 84 in the full face helmet. This is a snowboard cross from the 2011-2012 season.

I am the person in the full face helmet. I am in first place. This is a snowboard cross race from the 2011-2012 season. 

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